How to Naturally Treat Ingrown Toenails
In addition to topical medications, several natural remedies for ingrown toenails are available. These include apple cider vinegar, ibuprofen, and hydrogen peroxide. These remedies will assist in relieving pain and in preventing the spread of illness. However, before using these therapies, make sure you see a doctor. If the problem persists after attempting these solutions, consider using a specialist foot brace or toe braces.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ingrown toenails can be effectively treated with apple cider vinegar. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. Warm vinegar and water can soak your feet for up to 20 minutes daily. After that, make sure your feet are completely dry.
One of the most popular remedies for ingrown toenails is ibuprofen. Although ibuprofen has some side effects, many individuals take it as a home cure for ingrown toenails. Pain, swelling, and sensitivity are all indications of an ingrown toenail. It is helpful to immerse your feet in warm water to ease the pain. Dental floss may also be beneficial in promoting nail growth. Another option is to use an antibiotic ointment. This will help avoid infections.
Radical Hydroxyls
Hydrogen peroxide is a common disinfectant for wounds. Additionally, it can treat ingrown toenails. You must always use this product carefully, though. It could cause more harm than good.
Having Nails That Are Too Short
Since ingrown toenails can be uncomfortable, avoiding cutting your nails too short is imperative. Wear footwear with wide-toe boxes to prevent this problem, and soak your foot in warm water before trimming your nails. Using cotton or tooth floss to dull the discomfort is another effective treatment option. If the problem is significant, your doctor can offer you medical advice.
Inappropriate Footwear
One of the most prevalent causes of ingrown toenails is wearing inappropriate footwear. The growth pattern of the toes might be altered by wearing overly tight shoes. Additionally, it’s important to avoid wearing shoes with a toe that is too thin or flat. Diabetes and genetics can also result in ingrown toenails.
Ankle Supports
A little toenail brace can be used to alleviate painful ingrown toenails. It has more than 100,000 users worldwide and a 90-day warranty. In addition, it reduces excessively bent nails.
Shortening The Big Toe’s Nail
Cutting the big toenail can alleviate ingrown toenail pain and discomfort. These ingrown toenails are frequently treatable without surgery. If you can’t find a natural cure for ingrown toenails, you can still take an over-the-counter pain reliever.